Here to Help

Below you'll find answers to the questions we get asked most about our Handsfree Shopping service.

What if I’ve not checked in at my hotel and can’t enter a room number in the app?

How do I contact Dropit?

What can you deliver and what can’t you deliver?

I don't need delivery but would love to shop handsfree. Do you offer this?

What We Deliver

Our handsfree shopping service accepts most items that you would normally carry out of a store in a bag by yourself. The table below provides guidance on what we can and cannot accept. If you are unsure, please contact us for help at and we will respond as soon as possible!

What We Don't Deliver

Didn’t find the answer to your question?


Live chat feature on our website or web app usually gives the quickest response. You can also email us at and we will respond as soon as possible!