Who are Dropit?
Where does Dropit deliver?
Where can I see which stores and shopping centers offer Handsfree Shopping?
What is Handsfree Shopping?
What if I’ve not checked in at my hotel and can’t enter a room number in the app?
What if I'm not at my home/workplace when my delivery arrives?
What happens to my shopping after I make a drop?
What does it cost and how do I pay?
What can you deliver and what can’t you deliver?
What are your terms and conditions?
The app or device isn’t recognizing my delivery address. Why not?
The app isn’t registering my phone number and/or I’m not receiving the confirmation code text message. Why not?
The store assistant asked me to use their device and not the app. Why?
My delivery hasn't arrived when expected. What should I do?
Is my shopping insured?
How does Handsfree Shopping work?
Is my personal data secure?
I don't need delivery but would love to shop handsfree. Do you offer this?
How will I know when my bags have arrived at my hotel?
How does Dropit communicate with me?
How do I collect my purchases with Carry-to-Car?
How do I contact Dropit?
Does it matter whether I “Drop” using the app or the store’s device?
Can I “Drop” purchases from other stores?
Can I change my delivery date?
How can I find out which stores offer Dropit?
What We Deliver
Our handsfree shopping service accepts most items that you would normally carry out of a store in a bag by yourself. The table below provides guidance on what we can and cannot accept. If you are unsure, please contact us for help.